Under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Solid

ALEXBANK and Star Care Egypt Foundation join forces and launch “Handicrafts and Tawasol” in collaboration with Tawasol for Developing Istabl Antar NGO

Cairo, Egypt - 16 October 2019 - Under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, ALEXBANK signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Star Care Egypt Foundation and Tawasol for Developing Istabl Antar NGO to launch “Handicrafts and Tawasol” initiative that aims to fund Tawasol’s new school in Istabl Antar in Old Cairo. Tawasol is currently building a school that will enroll up to 500 students of Istabl Antar – instead of 170 students at present - aged between 8-16 years, who will have access to schooling services spanning across the disciplines of education, vocational training and performing arts. The school will also develop an online store to sell handmade products made by the students, which will generate revenue streams for the organization.

The MoU was signed in the attendance of Dante Campioni, Managing Director & CEO at ALEXBANK, Laila Hosni, Head of CSR and Sustainable Development at ALEXBANK, and Karim Saad, President of Star Care Egypt, Mohamed Abou Youssef, President of Tawasol. 

“ALEXBANK is extremely glad to collaborate with Star Care and Tawasol. We believe that this cooperation can actively sustain the creation of a supportive environment for education and vocational training in Egypt, which perfectly aligns with the sustainable development goals articulated in the Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030”, said Laila Hosni, Head of CSR and Sustainable Development at ALEXBANK.

"Tawasol has taken the initiative to offer children, and especially dropout students, an escape from a dreadful future if left without adequate guidance. We are proud of our partnership with ALEXBANK and Star Care who share the same interest to provide marginalized children access to education, health and shelter. Private sector and NGOs are the driving force behind a comprehensive development agenda and are the robust foundation that makes societies and economies thrive” said Mohamed Abou Youssef, President of Tawasol.

Operating in Istabl Antar in old Cairo since 2008, Tawasol runs a small community school for children who have escaped schooling. The school provides children with regular schooling and vocational training including sewing and crochet, carpentry and carpet hand weaving.


Established in 1957, ALEXBANK is today one of Egypt’s leading private sector banks, participated by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2007.  ALEXBANK owns one of the largest private sector branch networks with a total of 176 branches located in every major Egyptian governorate employing over 4,500 individuals who proudly serve about 1.5 million customers, playing a vital role in Egypt’s economic present and future. ALEXBANK actively serves the widest spectrum of segments by providing value added financial products, services and solutions to Retail, Small Business, Medium and Corporate Enterprises. ALEXBANK is currently in the midst of a radical digital transformation aimed at providing our customers with the most unique of banking experiences, via our seamless multi-channel experience incorporating Internet & Mobile Banking, Cards, Electronic wallets, and the latest generation of point-of-sale & ATMs, all powered through the power of Big Data and empowered by key players in the Fintech ecosystem.

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