

The rise of entrepreneurs is a key indicator of economic growth in an economy. ALEXBANK takes several measures to ensure that business owners have what it takes to grow by providing them with integrated financial and non-financial banking services and solutions.

Included products and services:

Micro Individual Current Account

  • Minimum account opening balance EGP 500
  • Free account opening fees
  • Free maintenance fees

Micro Individual Current Account

Micro Company Current Account

  • Minimum account opening balance EGP 500
  • Free account opening fees
  • Free maintenance fees

Micro Company Current Account

Microfinance for Individuals

  • Loan duration up-to 36 months
  • Loan amount up-to EGP 60,000 (In case of POS finance: Double loan amount or 50% of proofed sales)
  • Life insurance throughout the loan duration


Microfinance for Individuals

Microfinance for Companies

  • Loan duration up-to 36 months
  • Loan amount up-to EGP 150,000 (In case of POS finance: Double loan amount or 50% of proofed sales)
  • Life insurance throughout the loan duration


Microfinance for Companies

Small Business

Explore business banking solutions for your small business with ALEXBANK


ALEXBANK initiatives towards Entrepreneurs...


Ebda3 men Masr

“Ebda3 men Masr” is ALEXBANK’s flagship CSR initiative. Launched in 2016 with an aim to support the Egyptian Creative Economy and save diminishing national crafts, “Ebda3 men Masr” has supported more than 5,000 artisans across all Egyptian governorates to date. 90% of our beneficiaries are women, while 60% - 70% are youth. 

As part of Ebda3 men Masr (EMM), ALEXBANK’s sustainability flagship initiative, ALEXBANK designed a microloan product for Egyptian handcrafters in order to further empower them. With competitive interest rates and simplified payments as well as a micro savings account, a debit card and a mobile wallet, the EMM microloan is reflected in ALEXBANK’s efforts in creating a microloan tailored specifically for handcrafters’ needs and the nature of the Egyptian handicrafts sector.

In addition to the financial package, a bouquet of customized non-financial services was designed including: legal advisory services, business skills training sessions, digital marketing training and consulting services, presenting an opportunity to sell and market products on an e-commerce platform. The EMM Micro-loan Proposition is expected to create business value for ALEXBANK in the sense of serving the underbanked handicrafts men and women (aged 21 -65) under EMM who wore not encouraged to borrow under the traditional micro-finance product.

To date, 406 loans have been booked, where 52% of the loan takers are women (209 women).

For more information on the initiative, please click here.

Orange Corners Programme

Orange Corners is implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of International cooperation with ALEXBANK a main private partner. The Orange Corners programme provides young entrepreneurs with the necessary training, networks and facilities to start and grow their startups and it is implemented in Upper Egypt by Outreach Egypt Consultancy for Development.

Know more about Orange Corners programme

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