

ALEXBANK is constantly seeking to build cross-sector partnerships between international and local non-governmental organizations, the private sector and government to ensure both impactful and sustainable development.


ALEXBANK is constantly seeking to build cross-sectoral partnerships between international and local non-governmental organizations, the private sector and government to ensure both impactful and sustainable collaborations and investments.

Ministry of Social Solidarity

Since 2018, ALEXBANK has been the strategic partner to the Ministry of Social Solidarity for the creative economy and handcrafts. Development.

Ministry of Education

In 2015 (till present) ALEXBANK partnered with the Ministry of Education & Filmar Nile textile to enhance the sustainable cultivation and industrialization of Egyptian cotton. 

UNDP & Ministry Of Electricity

In 2016, ALEXBANK joined the national energy efficiency project in collaboration with the UNDP and Ministry of Electricity. 

Sawiris Foundation

Sawiris Foundation for Social Development has been a strategic and long term partner to ALEXBANK since 2015.  The partnership features economic empowerment, access to education, health and shelter to marginalized children and people with disabilities. 

EBDA3 MEN MASR (2016 - Present)

“Ebda3 men Masr” is our flagship CSR initiative. Launched in 2016 with an aim to support the Egyptian Creative Economy and save diminishing national crafts, “Ebda3 men Masr” has supported more than 5,000 artisans across all Egyptian governorates to date. 90% of our beneficiaries are women, while 60% are youth. The initiative leverages on more than 25 partnerships and collaborations between NGOs, governmental bodies, private sector entities, and individual actors. “Ebda3 men Masr” key partnerships are with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity, Fair Trade Egypt, the Egypt Network for Integrated Development (ENID), Yadaweya and Tunis Village in Fayoum.


The Egypt Network for Integrated Development (ENID/El Nidaa) has been a partner to Ebda3 men Masr since 2016. ENID has been launched as a project to develop viable and sustainable skill development and employment opportunities in South Upper Egypt, where levels of poverty and unemployment are high. The main point of focus is the Governorate of Qena. ENID/El Nidaa operates as a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) project under the umbrella of Egypt’s Ministry of International Cooperation.

Fair Trade Egypt (FTE)

Fair Trade Egypt is a long term partner to ALEXBANK and Ebda3 men Masr initiative since 2015. Fair Trade Egypt (FTE) has been working in Egypt since 1998 and aims to alter the conditions of the craft artisans that have been affected by the mass production, globalization, and other socioeconomic factors. 

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One of “Ebda3 men Masr” most important milestones is its partnership with Yadaweya. Yadaweya is a social enterprise which has been significantly impacting the lives of more than 800 craftsmen/women and their families across six governorates since 2017.

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Tunis Village NGO

Since its inception, Ebda3 men Masr has been a partner Tunis village and its potters. The partnership has helped Tunis village potters establish a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). 

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Egyptian Export Council

ALEXBANK signed an agreement with the Egyptian Export Council for Handicrafts to accelerate the process of global market integration and our partnership paved the way for 25 creative enterprises to obtain International Fair-Trade certifications by 2018. The certification requires the adherence to ten principles set by the World Fair Trade Organization, including fair payment; transparency and accountability; no discrimination and good working conditions; no discrimination; no child labor and no forced labor; respect for the environment; and capacity building.

Contact information for World Fair Trade Organization
Website/Facebook Page:
Contact information for Egyptian Export Council for Handicrafts
Ebda3 men Masr Partnerships


Through “Qesetna fi Hereftna” initiative aiming at including and empowering artisans with special abilities in the handicrafts sector, ALEXBANK partnered with Caritas Egypt, a non-governmental Egyptian organization that supports vulnerable people and fragile communities through empowering them and creating opportunities so that they may realize their full potential.

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Alwan NGO

ALEXBANK is a partner to ALWAN NGO since 2016, the foundation was established in 2012 with the main goal of developing culture and talents. Alwan NGO held two graffiti workshops in Tunis Village in Fayoum where more than 20 houses were painted. 

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Through this pillar, ALEXBANK plays an active role in incorporating community investments into its core business strategy. We ensure that innovation is coupled with different social purposes, including – but not limited to – education, waste management, economic empowerment, and inclusion. Accordingly, all initiatives falling under this pillar are designed to generate value to ALEXBANK and its partners, while achieving sustainable outcomes.


The Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation (MYF) – an Egyptian registered charity NGO – was founded in 2008 by Sir Magdi Yacoub, the late Dr. Ahmed Zewail and Ambassador Mohamed Shaker. MYF is running one of the exceptional projects of enormous significance to the health and wellbeing of the Egyptian people that is entirely based on donations, the Aswan Heart Centre. The MYF is the body responsible for strategic management and administration of the Aswan Heart Centre and Aswan Heart Research Centre. 

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Banati and Ana El Masry

Established in 2010, Banati Foundation located in October has been consistently working on the protection of children at risk, children in streets situations, and children deprived from family care. This happens through providing children in street situations with various kinds of support and protection within the foundation and on-street.

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The Egyptian is a non-profit, non-governmental foundation established in 2008. Its objective is to address the suffering of the more than 14 million Egyptians who live under the poverty line through: providing poor families with the necessary services to reduce the risk of a life under the poverty line supporting youngsters and families who live under the poverty line.
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Star Care Foundation

ALEXBANK partnered with Star Care Egypt in 2018 as part of “One Dream” project. Star Care is a non-profit organization founded by company executives of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars in Egypt, with a primary objective to help ensure a better future for less fortunate children in Egypt. 

Contact information:
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Shorouk Misr Foundation

ALEXBANK partnered with Shorouk Misr Foundation in 2018 as part of “One Dream” project. Shorouk Misr is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 aiming to develop and transform communicates so that citizens’ lives are more fulfilled through an integrated, participative and sustainable developmental approach. 

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Protection of Environment

ALEXBANK partnered with the Association for the Protection of Environment as the implementing partner for “One Dream” project. APE is a NGO that helps the garbage collecting community of Cairo recycle waste products and it provides schemes for income generation and poverty alleviation. The project aims at improving the living conditions of communities involved in garbage recycling located in Mansheyet Nasser and Tora less fortunate areas, benefiting 35,000 individuals.  

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Friends of Children with Cancer

ALEXBANK partnered with "Friends of Children with Cancer” to establish an educational kitchen in the Health and Hope Oasis (HHO) located in Wadi El Natroun; Governorate of Beheira that aims at providing a healthy environment for the children to recover while educating the family about the importance of proper hygiene practices for infection control, proper and balanced nutrition.
Contact information:
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Samusocial International Egypt

ALEXBANK has been partner with Samusocial International Egypt since 2012, the bank has funded a project that aims to integrate children in street situation in the society. 

Contact information: 
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57357 Children Cancer Hospital

ALEXBANK is a strategic partner to 57357’ Children Cancer Hospital since 2009. ALEXBANK supports the hospital premises and facilities in both Cairo and Tanta branches. 

Contact information: 
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WFP Smallholder’s Farmers Support Pr

ALEXBANK signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Food Programme (WFP), the world’s largest humanitarian organization and the food-assistance branch of the United Nations December 2020. The MoU marks the beginning of a partnership under the umbrella of WFP’s Smallholders Support Program in Upper Egypt in which both entities aim at supporting smallholder farmers, by contributing to the sustainability of their economic activities via offering financial and non-financial services, enhancing their productive capacity and ensuring their equitable access to resources and opportunities.

The MoU has paved the way for an exchange of experiences between both partners, in terms of the WFP’s experience in providing technical support and agricultural services to communities concentrated in 500 of the most marginalized villages in Upper Egypt, and ALEXBANK’s experience in financial service provision to marginalized community members. 

Under the scope of this partnership, ALEXBANK strives to compliment the WFP’s goals and efforts in Upper Egypt through a comprehensive purposeful lending program including amended, as well as tailor-made financial products that are designed in harmony with the WFP’s goals and the needs of the smallholder farmers and livestock holders. ALEXBANK is currently offering smallholder farmers existing agribusiness microfinance products, including individual non-Agri micro-loans and individual livestock microloans to absorb the farmers who need immediate support.

ALEXBANK partnership with the WFP includes a capacity building component where WFP consultants will receive trainings. The WFP have reviewed all the outlines for the agreed upon training topics (basic budgeting, management concept, MS program excel & Word, Financial literacy, Entrepreneurship). 11 of the WFP’s consultants who will be training the CDA staff members on-ground, have received two virtual trainings (Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel).

The overall aim is to financially integrate smallholder farmers, enhance their income-generating capacities and link them to formal financial institutions.

As part of Hayah Kareema initiative and under the supervision of Central Bank of Egypt and ALEXBANK has partnered with World Food Program (WFP) to support in providing microfinance loans in the Hayah Kareema targeted villages in Assuit and Qena. The activation included financial literacy and awareness sessions for men, women and youth. “Hady Bady” was also activated in some Hayah Kareema villages as a financial literacy activity for children.

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ALEXBANK partnered with, UNICEF and the Rotaract El Tahrir club to help provide the inhabitants of the of Bani Korra village in Assiut, with clean water through “in house” water connections” for 184 houses. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the main UN organization defending, promoting and protecting children’s rights. It also works towards protecting the world’s most disadvantaged children.

Contact information:
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Habitat For Humanity

ALEXBANK partnered with (HFH) to provide proper housing directly affecting the well-being of more than 50 families encouraging stability in all areas of their lives, bringing humane living conditions and facilitates. Habitat for humanity (HFH) Egypt is a nonprofit International organization working in Africa and the Middle East. HFH addresses the need for a simple, decent, healthy and affordable housing by helping families living at or below the poverty line.

Contact information: 
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Breast Cancer Foundation in Egypt

ALEXBANK sponsored (BCFE) in many initiatives including Suzan G. Komen “Rally for A Cure” & “Race for the Cure” to promote awareness to women about breast cancer. BCFE is small group of 24 founding members, Egyptians and expatriates concerned with the high incidence of breast cancer and the lack of related support services in Egypt joined together to form an organization to address the problem.

Contact information: 
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BEBA partnership

ALEXBANK partnered with BEBA to Adopt “Saadna “Village in Beni Swief Governorate providing electricity for 27 houses in the village and full reconstruction of 8 houses. Additionally, the Bank provided street lamps with a solar power system in the main roads of the village for security and safety. BEBA is a non-governmental, non- profit organization, serving the interests of the British/Egyptian Business Community.

Contact information:
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Flying Angels Foundation

ALEXBANK is a partner to The Foundation to support deals with finding, purchasing and donating round trip airplane tickets, to and from all over the world for children in health emergency that need to be urgently transferred to a health facility in order to receive adequate treatment; the Foundation also donates tickets to medical teams who go on site to perform lifesaving surgeries.

Contact information:
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In addition to providing practical opportunities for economic empowerment, ALEXBANK and its partners seek to improve quality access to inclusive education, equipping local communities with the tools to innovative development solutions. Our initiatives have thus far enabled the introduction of quality education to less fortunate communities, teacher workshops, technical trainings for professionals, and infrastructure upgrading.


Tawasol is an NGO that was founded in 2008 and registered at the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Tawasol operates a community school, which is certified by the Ministry of Education and enrolls school dropouts from 4 slum areas in Cairo (Ezzbet Khairallah/ Istabl Antar/ Batn EL Ba’ara/ Dar El Salam). The school targets two basic human capital development aspects: education and health. Within the educational aspect, there are three main divisions: basic primary education, vocational trainings, and performing arts academy.

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Educate Me

In 2016, ALEXBANK launched “Transformational Teaching” Program in collaboration with Educate me NGO to help develop and deliver professional development programs and trainings for teachers across Egypt. Educate me was established in 2012 to enhance the quality of Education in Egypt. 

Contact information: 
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Economic Empowerment

Building on an integrated development approach, ALEXBANK, with its partners, continuously strives for inclusive economic growth. By supporting key initiatives, enabling services and capacity-building, and directing donations to communities in need, the Bank fully assists in economic empowerment in line with its shared value strategy.

Kheir Wa Baraka

In 2016, ALEXBANK embarked on a partnership with Kheir Wa Baraka NGO to support ten of the most underprivileged villages in Aswan’s Edfu Center. Kheir wa Baraka was established in Istabl Antar in 2015. 

Contact information: 
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ALEXBANK signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Food Programme (WFP), the world's largest humanitarian organization and the food-assistance branch of the United Nations last December. The MoU marks the beginning of a partnership under the umbrella of WFP’s Smallholders Support Program in Upper Egypt in which both entities aim at supporting smallholder farmers, by contributing to the sustainability of their economic activities via offering financial and non-financial services, enhancing their productive capacity and ensuring their equitable access to resources and opportunities. The MoU has paved the way for an exchange of experiences between both partners, in terms of the WFP’s experience in providing technical support and agricultural services to communities concentrated in 500 of the most marginalized villages in Upper Egypt, and ALEXBANK’s experience in financial service provision to marginalized community members. Under the scope of this partnership, ALEXBANK strives to compliment the WFP’s goals and efforts in Upper Egypt through a comprehensive purposeful lending program including amended, as well as tailor-made financial products that are designed in harmony with the WFP’s goals and the needs of the smallholder farmers and livestock holders. ALEXBANK is currently offering smallholder farmers existing agribusiness microfinance products, including individual non-Agri micro-loans and individual livestock microloans to absorb the farmers who need immediate support. The overall aim is to financially integrate smallholder farmers, enhance their income-generating capacities and link them to formal financial institutions.


In 2018, ALEXBANK embarked on a partnership with Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT) to combat early marriage through education and economic empowerment projects in the village in West Nile. ACT aims to build the capacities of women groups and marginalized groups and activate societal participation for the different categories of societies.

Contact information:
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Knowledge Co. for Sustainable Dev.

Knowledge Co. for Sustainable Development is an organization based in Egypt that is dedicated to sustainable development projects and knowledge economy programs. It specializes in agriculture value chains, small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs, ICT programs and content development, export strategies, vocational training and advocacy. 

Contact information:
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AYB for Sustainable Development

ALEXBANK partnered with Alashanek Ya Balady to provide environmental awareness sessions for ALEXBANK’s children staff during World Environment Day back in 2016. Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development (AYB-SD) is an Egyptian NGO working in the civic sector creating innovative opportunities for the underprivileged Egyptian.

Contact information:
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Misr el Khier Foundation(MEK)

ALEXBANK has been a partner to Misr el Khier Foundation which was established in 2007. MEK aims at improving the living conditions of Egyptian communities through sustainable programs. MEK Focuses on health, education, social solidarity, scientific research, and aspects of life (sports, arts, and culture). The bank has been working with MEK to support roof, access to water and education for less fortunate areas in Upper Egypt. 

Contact information: 
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Hope Village Society

ALEXBANK partnered with Hope Village society in many ways to help street children both internationally and locally. Internationally, ALEXBANK sent the Egyptian national football team to Brazil street children football world  cup. Locally, ALEXBANK partnered with HVS to build the biggest street children shelter in the 3rd district in Egypt. Additionally, the bank organized a 2 days’ camp in Fagnoun Art School, where 30 boys and girls were invited from three NGOs dealing with children in street situation. Hope Village Society (HVS) is an Egyptian non-profit organization founded in Cairo in 1988. The organization’s role is to care for children in difficult circumstances, orphans who have been abandoned and those deprived of family care, especially street children.

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For more information about ALEXBANK’s  activities in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development or if you have queries or concerns related to the environmental and social performance of projects financed by ALEXBANK, please contact us.

We encourage all your suggestions and opinions.


Phone No.: 202-2399200

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