ALEXBANK participates in the World Savings Day with 8,000 students in 20 public schools in Nile Delta provinces through financial awareness workshops

Cairo, Egypt - 11 November 2019 - For the third consecutive year and as part of its commitment to the community, ALEXBANK celebrated the World Savings Day through implementing an interactive financial awareness learning game called “Hady Bady” which targeted school students in 5 governorates. This came in line with Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s global initiative and the bank’s long-standing strategy of promoting and endorsing financial inclusion and literacy by participating in the World Savings Day.

Hady Bady activities took place over two weeks from the 20th of October to the 31st of October 2019. The activities included 8,000 students in 20 public schools in delta region (Alexandria, Ismailia, Suez, Port Said, and Tanta).

The workshop main activity “Hady Bady” game involved tailor-made activities to raise awareness about concepts of saving, spending and donating, where it helped educating children about the three main principals of financial literacy and how to manage their financial priorities, through “Hady Bady”’s main game principals: “Save-Spend-Donate”. ALEXBANK took this opportunity and taught children about sustainable materials like pottery and encouraged them to use it instead of plastic or other non-ecofriendly materials.

In this context, Dante Campioni, CEO & Managing Director of ALEXBANK, stated, “In accordance to the World Savings Day that was established in Milan in 1924, ALEXBANK promotes a unique workshop specifically carried out to suit children, aimed at developing their consciousness on the importance of savings and proper spending decisions, by disseminating basic elements of financial literacy. This comes in line with Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s global initiative and with the Central Bank of Egypt’s goal to promote financial literacy and inclusion.”

It is worth mentioning that “Hady Bady” game is introduced through a storyline that takes one and half hours, where it tells the history of money from the barter system to banks. The story is narrated through 3 main characters, each representing one of the Share, Save and Spend values, where he will learn to pick which one according to his budget.



Established in 1957, ALEXBANK is today one of Egypt’s leading private sector banks, participated by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2007.  ALEXBANK owns one of the largest private sector branch networks with a total of 176 branches located in every major Egyptian governorate employing over 4,500 individuals who proudly serve about 1.5 million customers, playing a vital role in Egypt’s economic present and future. ALEXBANK actively serves the widest spectrum of segments by providing value added financial products, services and solutions to Retail, Small Business, Medium and Corporate Enterprises. ALEXBANK is currently in the midst of a radical digital transformation aimed at providing our customers with the most unique of banking experiences, via our seamless multi-channel experience incorporating Internet & Mobile Banking, Cards, Electronic wallets, and the latest generation of point-of-sale & ATMs, all powered through the power of Big Data and empowered by key players in the Fintech ecosystem.

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