Start-Ups Manufacturing Program

ALEXBANK will finance you to start an industrial project

Key Features

Different Financing Options

Innovative solutions for working capital or fixed assets finance

Tailored Features

Tailored features to meet the financing purpose needs

Quick & Simple Procedures

Finance procedures with fewer documents to meet your needs

For the first time the plant of your dreams will be a reality

Financing all start up industrial entities / companies in line with CBE Initiative

A simple and easy way to monitor all your loan details

Monitor all your loan details

Check your loan type, currency, amount, loan maturity and installment amount anytime you want.

Program Requirements

Target group:

  • Industrial start-up entities

Required documents:

  • Valid taxation card
  • Valid national ID for all shareholders and partners
  • Property documents

Additional documentation could be required based on the financing program

Get your dream

Internet Banking

Access all types of loans details: type, currency, amount, loan maturity, installment amount, etc.

Display loan installments in a statistical chart (paid installments vs non-paid installments)


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